Thursday, May 16, 2013

Custom gasser, and it's bigger brother.

So as the Trans Am is just about finished, and waiting for some good pictures, I decided to start my next project.

I had already completed a custom 55 Chevy Gasser from Hot Wheels, and liked the look and the color so much, that I decided to do it's bigger brother.

Much more work needs to be done on this, as it is just the body shell at this point, but the engine is started, and the suspension will hopefully all get sorted out before too long.

Please ignore how dirty and dusty my patio table is. It is the height of pollen and allergy season, and I just can't keep up.


  1. Think I'm passing on the "Police Challenge".
    The vehicle I really want to do would require lot of time and effort (and decal paper) to come up with the proper markings. So I think I'll just pass for now, and wait for the next one.
