Thursday, December 6, 2012

Here's a picture of what my workspace USED to look like.

I have a nice view out to the back of my house, from the walk-out basement. It's nice because it allows a lot of natural light in, but sometimes too much. In the afternoons on nice sunny days, I almost need to wear sunglasses to even be able to see.

So after a little bit of time, I managed to find the table that I always knew was under there.

I hadn't been working on it in a while and stuff just got piled up as a storage space, and decided it was time to clear it out.
There's an old cutting mat that I use to work on, it gives me just a little bit of protection from cutting in to the table.
I learned an old trick when in school to use an old tackle box to keep everything in. All the little compartments help to keep things at least a little organized.

1 comment:

  1. You call that messy? I know quilters who would call that CLEAN! Before the cleaning!
