Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Working with old kits - Flash

So I recently started a model that is a re-issue of an older kit.
I love the subject matter, and am quite excited, but have come across a problem common with these re-issued kits.


No, not like that....
Flash is a common name for the thin layer of plastic that squeezes out between the two halves of a mold when creating the overall runner of parts.

On a newer tooled kit, you may hardly even notice the "parting line"... The small seam of extra material from where the two halves of the mold were placed together.
Most noticeable on round pieces... there will be a small raised ridge.

On older kits, as time goes by, and thousands of reproductions are made, the gap starts to get bigger, and more material is able to ooze out between the mold halves.

Usually it is a very thin piece, and is easily removed with a sharp knife and some sandpaper....
But I just thought I would share, as this kit shows a great example of "flashing".

More on what this kit is going to be coming soon!

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