So I had planned to do a full write up on this kit, and took pictures along the way, but just never got it down in the computer....
Had some great looking box art, and figured it could be a relatively quick build, that would look good on the display shelf.
Decided I liked the orange paint, and would just build it basically like it appeared in the art.
Here's the chassis coming together and some of the various pieces as they all get ready to come together. Love the long tube intake on the engine. Took a good bit of work to get them to all line up right, and be firmly attached to the intake.
And as I typically do, I managed to finish it all up before I remembered to get the camera out again.
This one has actually been finished for a couple of months now, but just decided to do a small update on what I am working on.
Looks good to me, and has that "too tall" stance typical of a gasser/funny car suspension set up.
I didn't use all the decals, and didn't quite follow the box art, but definitely looks angry, and ready to go racing.
And the one thing I have never seen in a model kit before, was a model of the packaging that it all came in. Only took about 10 minutes to cut it all out and folded up.
I guess by definition, it is a scale model...
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