Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Nismo 400R Painted... sorta

Got a little bit of time over the holiday weeks, and decided that it might be a good time to paint the body shell.
Since I only had one vote for red, I decided to just go with it.

Unfortunately, I discovered quite quickly that I had done something wrong, though I am not sure what it was.
Painting can often be tricky. It may have been a temperature problem (too cold) where I was painting.
It could have been that the red paint I was using "didn't like" the primer that I used.
It could have just been bad paint....
Or I suppose it could have been something I did.... probably not....

So here is what I got...

Not what you want to see, and not something that the final gloss clear coat would cover.
So after a couple of days or curing, I was able to sand it down and get everything smooth, and ready for another color coat....

Hopefully it turns out a little better, and does't crinkle up on me this time....

1 comment:

  1. Maybe that was the paint voting for NOT RED? Tee hee hee. But really - sorry to hear your troubles. Looks a bit like my quilt with puckers I put together this week...
