Thursday, January 8, 2015

Cold Weather painting

So just a quick post.
Finished up my first kit for 2015 (started in 2014), and decided to start another one.

Well, it's cold outside, and that makes it cold in my workspace as well.

Apparently my paint can got too cold, and it came out like textured paint.
Very frustrating.....
So I put the can in front of a small space heater while I went to town with the sandpaper.
Came out nice and smooth, and ready for a second attempt with the now nicely warmed paint.

The warmed paint worked for one side of the body, and then started getting clumpy again...

The additional problem I am having with this one, is the kit is older, and is molded in red. As you can see, I am still getting red tint showing through my white basecoat.

It is now back in it's box for a "time-out" and will try again in a couple of months.
I just wasn't up for the fight with this one.


  1. Is that a 1978 Mustang? Kinda looks familiar...

  2. It is....but it's in "timeout". Will start it again when it decides it wants to behave and play nice with the paint.
